New Year's Top

Acts of kindness softened 2021

Wyre Forest in Worcestershire and Shropshire, UK (Rosie Evans/YJI)

Liverpool, UK – As I’m sure most would agree, 2021 has been a strange year.

It started with a UK lockdown and finished with a new coronavirus variant. It was filled with vaccinations, LFTS and PCRs, isolate ion, and quarantines.

It has felt repetitive and lonely at times. People dealt with unimaginable loss. Worrying stories in the news about politics and climate change brought fear to many. 

Despite all this, the year was also one that brought positive change to society.

I think 2021 has been an example of how kind people have made things less bad for everyone.

A kind person doesn’t change a government’s decision or give more time to spend with a loved one. Kindness is not a magic cure to conflict.

But each blow softened by a thoughtful person, even slightly, can hold us together.  

Rosie Evans is a Reporter with Youth Journalism International.

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