Karachi, PAKISTAN – The Glassworker, Pakistan’s first hand-drawn animated feature film, will...
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In Germany, signs point to history, politics and whimsy
Sonneberg, GERMANY – As a Taiwanese person, my visit to Germany over the summer was filled with...
A look at Egypt’s new luxury city on the Mediterranean
New El-Alamein, EGYPT – As the population in Egypt is growing rapidly, the government started to...
Dresden floods, but escapes major catastrophe
Dresden, GERMANY – It’s a special, pervasive, foul, muddy smell permeating Dresden for the last few...
Understanding Sri Lanka’s upcoming election
Colombo, SRI LANKA – This week, the people of Sri Lanka will go to the polls to decide who will run...
Celebrating Mexican Independence Day
CHICAGO – While some Americans often celebrate and associate Cinco de Mayo with Mexico’s...
Mid-Autumn festival is traditional family fun
Taipei/Taoyuan, TAIWAN – This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival, an important holiday celebrated in most...
Visiting the Occult Club’s perfectly witchy market
Noah Haynes/YJI Noah Haynes is a Senior Reporter with Youth Journalism International.