Karachi, PAKISTAN – The Glassworker, Pakistan’s first hand-drawn animated feature film, will represent the country at the 2025 Oscars. Usman Riaz, the director, main animator, and creative mind behind the film, is an alum of...
What's New
In Germany, signs point to history, politics and whimsy
Sonneberg, GERMANY – As a Taiwanese person, my visit to Germany over the summer was filled with...
A look at Egypt’s new luxury city on the Mediterranean
New El-Alamein, EGYPT – As the population in Egypt is growing rapidly, the government started to...
Latest Articles
Want some fun? Watch ‘Dancing with the Stars’
Jericho, New York, U.S.A. – As an avid reality television fan, I was surprised that I never got...
Dresden floods, but escapes major catastrophe
Dresden, GERMANY – It’s a special, pervasive, foul, muddy smell permeating Dresden for the last few...
Understanding Sri Lanka’s upcoming election
Colombo, SRI LANKA – This week, the people of Sri Lanka will go to the polls to decide who will run...
Celebrating Mexican Independence Day
CHICAGO – While some Americans often celebrate and associate Cinco de Mayo with Mexico’s...
Mid-Autumn festival is traditional family fun
Taipei/Taoyuan, TAIWAN – This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival, an important holiday celebrated in most...
Visiting the Occult Club’s perfectly witchy market
Noah Haynes/YJI Noah Haynes is a Senior Reporter with Youth Journalism International.
France rallies in support of mass rape victim
PARIS – Thousands of people gathered in the center of Paris Saturday in an emotional show of...
In debate, candidates bypass most student issues
West Linn, Oregon, U.S.A. – Across the United States, the first presidential debate between Vice...
In Haiti, dogs and cats are pets, not lunch
Port-au-Prince, HAITI – During the U.S. presidential debate between Democrat Kamala Harris...
At 45, ESPN looks to the future
Bristol, Connecticut, U.S.A. – Showcasing ESPN’s progress and future direction with bits of...