An Ambassador for Youth Journalism International
Mike Nguyen joined The Tattoo in 2000 as a baby-faced freshman and continued to write news and opinion pieces up until the end of his senior year when he finally found a reasonable excuse to escape the chains of his former editors (who happen to be YJI founders): college. Otherwise, it is possible their incredible guilt trips would have kept him writing for them to this day. During his time in The Tattoo, he won multiple youth and professional journalism accolades for pieces ranging from 9/11 to a feature on penguins to the ESPN X-Games to the death of a local teenager. It was the weekends spent in The Bristol Press offices putting together an issue, the weekly meetings, and jamming into a car with his fellow writers to get to a story that he remembers most.
Although he did not pursue journalism after graduation, the residual delusion that he may be a decent writer means he occasionally writes on his blog, MKNonline. That journalistic tenacity and curiosity has served him well in all aspects of life and helped him grow out of a debilitating “shy pre-teen” phase.
Today, he morally supports the incredible effort and growth of Youth Journalism International every chance he gets. He works in IT and lives in New Haven. Follow Mike on Twitter (@nornny).