SOON, Geraldine

An Ambassador for Youth Journalism International

Geraldine Soon

Based in Southeast Asia and hailing from one of the smallest countries in the world, Geraldine Soon wanted to share her perspective on global issues. This led her to join Youth Journalism International in 2005. Geraldine has written opinion pieces ranging from the London bus bombing in 2005 to her visit to her grandfather’s homeland in Myanmar. In 2010, she traveled to Cape Town, South Africa for a human rights law internship and made use of the opportunity to photograph the festivities of the World Cup 2010 and contribute to Youth Journalism International’s coverage of the World Cup.
Geraldine strongly believes in the advocacy of human rights. She has also “adopted” a child from Vietnam under World Vision’s Child Sponsorship programme and is a regular micro-loaner at Kiva.
Geraldine graduated from law school at the National University of Singapore in 2011. She is currently working as a trainee lawyer at KhattarWong LLP in Singapore. In her spare time, she loves listening to the likes of Sinatra and planning her next globe-trotting adventure.