“Do not panic, this is only a test.”
Obviously the broadcasting networks are not talking about the SATs when you hear that message across your radio a thousand times.
This three hour test has students freaking out all over the nation.
“As if the old SAT wasn’t hell enough, the new SAT is coming March 19 and you’re the guinea pigs,” said Linda Friedman, writer for YM.
The new SAT I, or Scholastic Assessment Test, has replaced the old Scholastic Aptitude Test — and the name is not the only difference.
The new SAT I is more ‘user-friendly,’ trying to reflect what is being taught in the classroom, teachers say.
The new verbal changes consist of longer reading passages, emphasizing critical thinking and vocabulary words used in context. The antonyms have been ousted but the analogies remain.
The math section will finally allow students to use calculators they provide themselves; however, it is not just multiple choice since students will be required to have written answers as well.
The new SAT I easier? Ha! Who said?
Yes! It is possible to prepare for the SAT I. There are hundreds of prep books out there, such as Barrons SAT ($11.95) and Introducing the New SAT: The College Board’s Official Guide by McMillan ($12), each found at most bookstores.
There’s also English for College Boards by Henry I. Christ, which is used by Terryville High School’s SAT prep course.
All of the books include practice tests and answers.
If you still don’t fee ready for the SAT I, sign up for an SAT school. There are also other prep courses, such as the Princeton Review, however they are often big bucks.
Finally, the best way to prepare is to read, read, read. Ask any English teacher or guidance counselor and they will agree.
Two things to remember: all questions are scored equally. Do the easy ones first, usually found at the beginning of a section and then go back and do the harder ones.
Don’t be afraid to guess. Eliminate the ones you know are wrong and guess at the remaining choices.
Go in to take the test refreshed and relaxed.
Don’t worry — the SATs will only determine your future.