Movies Reviews

Humor, action, and a lesson on bullies

MIAMI, Florida, U.S.A. – “I don’t like bullies” said Bob Stone, after punching four guys in a bar who were making bad and homophobic comments about him and his best friend.
Central Intelligence, starring Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart and Danielle Nicolet and directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber, is an action comedy with a bit of suspense and a clear message: no matter how hard a bully might try, you can always become the hero of your own story.

Central Intelligence is about two high school colleagues. One is Calvin Joyner [Hart], the most popular of them all. In high school, Calvin won all the competitions of every sport, was smart, charismatic and dated the most amazing girl in the school. The other was Robert Weirdicht [Johnson}, who later changed his name for Bob Stone. He was very shy, had no friends and was seriously bullied by most of his peers for being “fat.”

On graduation day, something terrible happened to Robert, and Calvin was the only one who stood by his side.
After many years, both of them had changed. Robert got in contact with Calvin through Facebook and the plot begins to thicken with a lot of humor and action. The humor that Hart
and Johnson bring together make this a very special movie – one that shows the importance of friends, justice, standing up for yourself and dealing with your ambitions after high school.
This movie was not an ordinary action film about good guys beating bad guys. You get involved in the story, seeing the process of how one bullied person can get affected really deeply and how that can change his life forever.
The lucky part is that Bob had Calvin to support him and vice versa – something that not all people who are being bullied have.
Bullying is a daily issue that a lot of people face, not only in high school but in any public space. It should be addressed in movies, books and more in the media, since it’s an issue that it is common all over the world.
There wasn’t anything I didn’t like about Central Intelligence.
The comedy is just great, and the suspense and plot catches and keeps your attention until the end.
What I really about it, though, was that it was no ordinary action movie; it had a purpose that was reached at the end of the film.
Maria Luiza Lago is a Reporter for Youth Journalism International.
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