Art Photo Essay Photography Travel

Museum Shows Array Of American Art

From 1974, Untitled acrylic painting by Herbert Creecy on display at the New Britain Museum of American Art. (Laura Espinoza Jara/YJI)
NEW BRITAIN, Connecticut, U.S.A. – No matter what type of art you like, there’s always something interesting to see at the New Britain Museum of American Art.

The museum has both permanent galleries filled with old murals and classic Hudson River Valley paintings and it has temporary exhibits. 
The oil paintings of Tom Yost, mostly Connecticut landscapes, are currently on display.

An extensive collection of modern art fills the gallery on the second floor including an impressive piece from Andy Warhol.
It’s all a must-see for art lovers.
Mary Majerus-Collins and Laura Espinoza Jara are Reporters for Youth Journalism International.


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