News The Tattoo Theater

Broadway hit ‘Les Miserables’ at Eastern

BRISTOL, Connecticut, U.S.A. — War, love, jealousy and greed create the backdrop for the long-running Broadway spectacle “Les Miserables.”
But you don’t have to go to New York City to see the hit musical. You can go instead to Bristol Eastern High School next month.
You’ll see plenty of different characters acting out this long, interesting and popular musical based on the well-known French novel by Victor Hugo.
The main characters such as Jean Valjean (Mike Georjean), Enjorlas (Thomas Degan), Javert ( Mark Giblin), Marius (Lemule Gurtowski), Little Cosette (Michaela Sullivan) and Older Cosette (Kiera Sullivan).
So whether you’re into the music – and there’s a lot of singing! – or just want to see your friends perform, this is a great opportunity.
It’s got plenty of plot twists, lots of high and lows, and high school actors singing their hearts out.
Les Miserables is the second longest-running musical in Broadway history, topped only by “Cats.”
It is scheduled to close for good at New York ’s Imperial Theatre one week after Eastern’s production ends.
More than 48 million people around the world have seen the show since it opened in 1985.
The play is slated for three performances at Eastern during the weekend of May 9th to 11th.
The show costs $8 for kids and $12 for adults for the Friday and Saturday performances. On Sunday, May 11, the price is $8 for everyone.
To see the Broadway version costs at least $35 a ticket – and a good seat will set patrons back $100 apiece. So catch it at Eastern and save some money.

Danielle Letourneau is a Reporter for Youth Journalism International.

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