In collaboration with the Lewiston Public Library, Youth Journalism International held a free screening of Jose Antonio Vargas’ film Documented. The 2013 film tells the story of how Vargas was brought to the United States from the Philippines as a child – in violation of immigration laws. Vargas, who grew to become a successful journalist, decided to reveal his undocumented status in 2011 in a piece for The New York Times Magazine.
In the film, the journalist shares his personal story in the context of the national discussion about the millions of other undocumented young people similarly brought to the U.S.
Two young American immigrants — Mana Abdi of Lewiston, Maine, and YJI reporter Yunkyo Moon Kim of Lexington, Mass. — led a discussion following the film. They didn’t have much time, but managed to share their own powerful stories and insights on immigration and race.
The event was the first of its kind by YJI since moving its headquarters to Maine. The turnout and enthusiastic audience response was a wonderful welcome to the community. YJI is grateful to its partner, the Lewiston Public Library and the Friends of the Lewiston Public Library for its support.