
Today And Every Day, YJI Needs Your Help

Your tax-deductible contribution can help support this nonprofit at
Please consider supporting the work of Youth Journalism International with a contribution today @ or sign up there as a monthly donor. That’s one of the best ways to help.
Youth Journalism International is a consistently “top-rated” non-profit organization at Great Non-Profits with testimonies like this one from Jeff Ducharme, who teaches photojournalism at the College of the North Atlantic in Newfoundland: “YJI is a group like no other. They help youth all over the world cover their communities, regions and countries. YJI shows them that their articles and photos can have a positive impact on where they live, that they have a voice. YJI empowers youth. This is a priceless gift and I can think of no other group which has such a impact on youth.”
You can read 111 more reviews there of YJI written by students, parents, grandparents, donors, professional journalists, readers and alumni. It’s a great place to see personal accounts that will give you a feel for what YJI does.
Youth Journalism International has a bronze rating on Guide Star, the charity watchdog.
YJI is an IRS-approved educational public charity. Donations are tax-deductible in the U.S. Many companies will match employee gifts to YJI, including Bank of America, ESPN, Travelers, Disney, Sprint and others.
You can learn even more about Youth Journalism International by visiting the website, reading more student work on this blog, becoming a follower on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram @youth_journalism or on Twitter: @yjinow, @yjinternational, @jackiemajerus
Want to stay in the loop? Sign up for our email list here.
So yes, it’s #GivingTuesday, but YJI needs your support every day. Thank you for whatever you can give.