While Rosa Parks lies in honor at the U.S. Capitol — a fitting tribute for a true American hero — three Tattoo writers weigh in on the civil rights legend in our new issue, available online now and in Monday’s Bristol Press.
In addition to Zach Brokenrope’s piece, which we initially published online last week, we also have two columns by Detroit teens who provide a little hometown pride in their pieces. One of them, Tara Brooke Stacey, just a few weeks ago sat in the very seat on the very bus where Rosa Parks made history half a century ago.
There’s also a news story from Oscar Ramirez in San Salvador about English-speaking teachers who come to El Salvador to teach and discover a developing nation that surprises them in many ways.
Stefan Koski weighs in with a senior journal about the dearth of sleep for busy students. He wrote it at 3:30 a.m.
And, finally, the talented Justin Skaradosky delivers yet another clever cartoon.
It’s a pretty solid issue to break the record with. Don’t miss it.
Rosa Parks isn’t actually lying “in state” – she’s lying “in honor” because she did not hold a leadership position in the federal government.
You can thank Bob Nave for that one.
Thanks, Bob Nave and Stefan. I have corrected that one.