Author - Cass Lloyd Perrin
This is an interactive map that shows you where YJI students have written stories over the years. You can zoom in or out of the world map to explore all of them in detail. [Note: If you’re seeing this on an author page, you will only see stories by a particular student.]
Making my own fun at Cambridge
CAMBRIDGE, England — What am I doing here? If you talk to any fresher (that’s first year for...
Carrying on in London
LONDON — Returning to the classroom late on the last day of the summer term Thursday, after...
Huskies, snow angels in July, and a train wreck in the Alps
GRINDELWALD, Switzerland — On a muggy day last summer, a rather odd-looking group gathered to...
True Nemesis: Trekkie cliches
LONDON — Okay, so I admit it, I’m biased. I’m a trekkie, through and through. So that means...
Best flick of the year brings tears, laughter
LONDON — The best film of this year is not a huge, big budget, big news blockbuster with an A...