Gaborone, BOTSWANA – People interested in the recent Forbes Under 30 Pan-African event – but didn’t...
Author - Joshua Mulema
This is an interactive map that shows you where YJI students have written stories over the years. You can zoom in or out of the world map to explore all of them in detail. [Note: If you’re seeing this on an author page, you will only see stories by a particular student.]
Novel lessons from ‘God’s Bits of Wood’
Gaborone, BOTSWANA – Author Sembene Ousmane captures the moment of the 1947 – 1948 Dakar-Niger...
Gaborone, Botswana – a hometown that offers rest and...
Gaborone, BOTSWANA – In the part of Gaborone where I live, tranquility and etches of nature are...