HARTFORD, Connecticut, U.S.A. – Although slavery in the traditional sense of the term was banished...
Author - Stefan Koski
This is an interactive map that shows you where YJI students have written stories over the years. You can zoom in or out of the world map to explore all of them in detail. [Note: If you’re seeing this on an author page, you will only see stories by a particular student.]
Dodging recruitment
TERRYVILLE, Connecticut, U.S.A. — Seniors are put through a lot in their final year of high...
Beyond the high school experience: Advice you won’t take...
PLYMOUTH, Connecticut, U.S.A. — The ironic thing about writing advice for incoming freshman...
Catching a good book
PLYMOUTH, Connecticut, U.S.A. — Tim Temples has just finished high school. He’s young...
It’s kind of an uplifting book
PLYMOUTH, Connecticut, U.S.A. — Teen depression is one of the biggest issues in adolescence...
Furious, fast and wordy fun
BRISTOL, Connecticut, U.S.A. — From the creative mind of Reiner Knizia and Out of the Box...
Family Guy movie delivers the laughs
PLYMOUTH, Connecticut, U.S.A. — If you’re looking for a movie with good wholesome family fun...
Ruthless game of gold, greed, power
BRISTOL, Connecticut, U.S.A. — Finally there’s a game that combines our love of gold...