As 5,000 tiny, plastic ducks floated down a stretch of the Pequabuck River Sunday, The Tattoo did its best to supply hungry, thirsty spectactors in Forestville with candy, ice cream, soda and water at $1 apiece. We made a little money for future projects.
Helping out were Tattoo writers Rachel Glogowski, Justin Skaradosky, Stefan Koski and Wesley Saxena. Tattoo Mom and Tattoo Dad were there, too, along with Kiernan and Mary.
We’re grateful to the Forestville Village Association for sponsoring the event and for assistance from its president, Dave Pasqualicchio. Thanks, too, for the friendly words from many faithful Tattoo readers!
We’ll be holding more fundraisers and can also use a helping hand. Just let us know if you’re in a position to boost the cause of youth journalism in Central Connecticut and across the globe.
PS: Thanks as well to for the picture!
Our official policy: We hate blogs.
Copyright 2006 by The Tattoo. All rights reserved.