
Halls of Shame, Part 2

In Harrisburg, Penn., school administrators yanked an advertisement from student papers from a group called Common Roads, which aims to provide a safe place for young gays and lesbians to meet.
Robert Frick, superintendent of the Lampeter Strasburg school district, told televison station WGAL in Harrisburg that the ads encouraged students to attend “something we know nothing about.”
Instead of, say, making a phone call, he pulled the ads.
Had he phoned Common Roads, its director, Carol Reisinger, executive director of Common Roads., he would have learned that it’s harmless.
Evan Macy, editor of The Limelight, which was ready to print the ad but could not, told the tv station he’s upset.
“The fact our school is going out of its way to take an advertisement, meant to help homosexuals, out of the newspaper is alarming,” Macy said.
Indeed it is. Frick could use a lesson in why censorhip is a bad idea.

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