For many high school juniors and seniors the time has come to prepare for the lifetime fantasy of prom night. The magical night of love and romance, slow dancing in darkness with the ‘date’ in shining armor, spending the night under the pale, starry sky.
The night ends in a sweet kiss.
Yeah, right.
Obviously, this picture-perfect dream embedded into our minds by classical tales of Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty are totally unrealistic and often lead to major disappointment.
Just finding that ‘Mr. or Ms. Right’ is a disappointment in itself.
Unless you’re glued at the hip with a boyfriend or girlfriend, there’s no guarantee that the ‘date’ in mind will actually go.
Some fear the whole rejection process so they resort to asking someone whom they really don’t want to go with but know will say yes. This often leads to a rationalization that says, “He can be nice at times. He’ll probably look better in a tuxedo.”
Phase two of the prom dilemma begins, complete with aggravation, frustration and a test of patience.
It’s time to void the lifetime savings account that had accumulated from endless hours of flipping greasy burgers.
For every rented (and fitted) plastic button, drop of shoe dye, morsel of prime rib or shrimp, and squirt of hairspray, the average couple’s prom night expenses round to nearly $3000, not including the cost of a limo or the next day’s activities.
If that doesn’t cause a migraine headache, the miscommunication of expectations and assumptions between each person will.
Peer pressure isn’t really a factor, it’s just not really having a say in the plans before they’re made.
Take for instance this actual situation:
“I thought you wanted to reserve a hotel room after. Everyone else wanted to so we figured you wouldn’t object.”
“Nobody asked me! I thought we were going to the beach.”
“Well, Dave and his girl wanted to, ya know. Same with Mike and Sarah. I figured you and I, like, there wouldn’t be a problem.”
“What? Wait a second! First of all, I thought we were just going as friends and second, how could you guys just assume that I would agree?”
Obviously this situation can either make or break whether they end up going to the prom together.”
Now, on the optimistic side, prom night can be a memorable night.
Hey, it only happens once in a lifetime so why not let loose, kick off the heels and dance?
Maybe all the confusion will be worth it, maybe not.
Jenny Jenkins is a Reporter for Youth Journalism International.