Fix Notices

A Warm Rotary Welcome For YJI Reporter

     The Bristol Rotary Club welcomed a guest speaker Tuesday – Ameni Mathlouthi, a Youth Journalism International reporter from Tunis, Tunisia. Ameni, who is 17, is an exchange student attending public high school in Connecticut this year in the Youth Exchange and Study program through the U.S. State Department. She told the Rotarians about participating in her country’s revolution and what life was like under the former dictatorship.
     YJI appreciates the club’s hospitality and interest in both Ameni and in Youth Journalism International. Ameni, who returns home next month, will be speaking at the Universalist Church of West Hartford, Conn. on Sunday, June 3 at 10 a.m. All are welcome.


Youth Journalism International reporter Ameni Mathlouthi

of Tunis, Tunisia, addresses 


Bristol Rotary



Club Tuesday morning in 



Bristol, Conn.



Bristol Rotary Club President Bob Dupont thanks Ameni

Mathlouthi for her presentation 

to the 





and gives her a Rotary pin.
Youth Journalism International reporter Ameni Mathlouthi


of Tunis, Tunisia, receives a proclamation from the 

Connecticut General Assembly, presented by

 state Rep. 


Whit Betts, a Bristol Republican who is supportive of YJI.


The proclamation congratulates her for fighting for freedom


in her country, for building understanding between nations


and cultures and for a safe return home.

Youth Journalism International reporter Ameni Mathlouthi


and YJI Ambassador Dick Inglis of Bristol, Conn., who stopped by
the Rotary Club meeting just to hear what Ameni had to say.