Auburn, Maine, U.S.A. – A ceremony honoring the winners of Youth Journalism International’s 2021 Excellence in Journalism contest is today at 12 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
It is YJI’s first virtual awards ceremony, and we’ve been working to make it interesting as well as exciting.
This year, winners in more than two dozen categories come from 17 U.S. states and 15 additional countries. They represent young writers, artists and photographers from five continents.
Those who win any award in this contest have a reason to be proud, as the competition was tough. Those who entered but didn’t place this year should not feel discouraged, but press on and enter again next year.
A full list of the winners and comments from judges will be posted on this site by Sunday evening.
Here is the link to join the ceremony:
Time: May 22, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 875 6403 6420
Passcode: 845019