
YJI Summer Party 2011

Youth Journalism International students, alumni and friends gathered today for our annual summer party. The award for coming the farthest went to Noah Kidron-Style, who lives in London, England. Teague Neal, who lives in Toronto, Canada, also made it, as he has for seven years.

On a brutally hot day, we had more food than we could eat, including brownies made by Stefan Koski, a watermelon salad from Jennifer Rajotte, ice cream and both lemon and raspberry sorbet.
For as long as Youth Journalism International has been around — 17 years — it’s been holding parties every summer and during the holidays that bring our far-flung but close knit community together. It’s just one of many YJI traditions that help make this Connecticut-based nonprofit unique and wonderful.
We’re grateful that so many people try so hard to come.

Danielle Letourneau, one of many YJI alums at the party.