Old Saybrook, Connecticut, USA — A decade ago, Ronnie Spector brought her one-woman show...
Author - Kiernan Majerus-Collins
This is an interactive map that shows you where YJI students have written stories over the years. You can zoom in or out of the world map to explore all of them in detail. [Note: If you’re seeing this on an author page, you will only see stories by a particular student.]
Guy Fawkes Night celebrates the foiling of a 400-year-old plot
Doune, Scotland, UK – There is a common nursery rhyme taught to children across the United Kingdom...
Fire at Notre-Dame a ‘deep wound to humanity’s...
Auburn, Maine, U.S.A. – No one died. And yet the fire that blazed for hours in Notre-Dame Cathedral...
The New Yorker’s Jane Mayer offers advice to young...
Harry Potter on Broadway: the magic feels real
NEW YORK – Magic has never felt as real as during the nearly six hours of spells and potions in the...
Iowa ballroom preserves memory of Buddy Holly six decades after...
Clear Lake, Iowa, U.S.A. – This 60th anniversary of Holly’s death is an opportunity to...
A worldly view of Christmas
The Armenian Apostolic Church’s Vank Cathedral in Isfahan, Iran. (Frida Zeinali/YJI) A...
Photo essay: A grand slam day at Fenway Park
These pictures were taken before, during and after the July 14, 2018 game at Fenway Park between...