Wreaking havoc with young lives, the coronavirus pandemic upended school routines across the globe...
Author - Nisha Chandar-Nair
This is an interactive map that shows you where YJI students have written stories over the years. You can zoom in or out of the world map to explore all of them in detail. [Note: If you’re seeing this on an author page, you will only see stories by a particular student.]
Many youth following news of covid, others carefully avoid it
Few things shape a young person’s view of the covid-19 pandemic more than the media. While...
Covid Mood examines the pandemic’s toll on mental health...
Covid Mood’s 17 news stories and accompanying photos and illustrations are by 21 students...
Lincoln offers history and a real sense of home
After moving from Lincoln to attend a university two years ago, I realized what it really meant to...
UK’s pandemic “clap” was crap
Lincolnshire, UK – Early in the coronavirus pandemic, the UK government introduced an optional...