Insider's Guide to High School The Tattoo

Boot up the PCs (and hope for the best)

BRISTOL, Connecticut, U.S.A. — Technologically speaking, our schools are finally getting with the program.

In the fast-moving electronically controlled world today, schools are finally realizing that teaching kids the basics of technology is a key element to bringing in tomorrow.

Many schools are now in affiliation with a company named “Zap-Me.”

Zap-Me helps schools by donating about 20 free computers to them, with a slim price of having advertisements on these machines.

With this extra addition of computers, students can no longer complain that they don’t have a computer when the teacher asks for something to be typed. Another big plus is that these computers come with the Internet, and all of the computers are networked onto a satellite.

I never thought the schools were in tune with today, but now at least they have the technology.

The one problem is, the teaching staff at the schools doesn’t know a hard drive from a mouse pad. So when something is wrong with a computer, they can’t do anything about it until they call someone to come and fix the problem.

My advice to people entering high school is, take advantage of being able to use these computers. You can come in on almost every day after school to work on something, or during one of your free periods.

There are plenty of computers to use, and if you have no other way of getting your reports typed up — or just going on the Internet — your school computers will always be there.

Sam Yosafi is a Reporter in Connecticut for Youth Journalism International.

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