Fix Opinion

Citizens Of Bangladesh Deserve Better

Mehran Shamit
Canada – A recent visit back to Bangladesh after almost five years left me shocked by the huge changes my country had been through.
the last five years, many things did
develop, but for ordinary Bangladeshis, life is worse than before.
a country of more than 164 million, about 80 percent of the population is still in poverty. Corrupt governments holding
power fail to implement policies that adequately help and support people to improve
their situations.
the current government supports and encourages consumerism and capitalist
ideals by allowing international companies to use Bangladeshi workers,
including children, as cheap labour.
is a tremendous gap between the rich and poor that’s growing as a result.
government neglected Bangladeshis in the past and this time they denied the
existence of 14 million Bangladeshis living in the country.
the United Nations Population Fund, Bangladesh
had an estimated population of 164.4 million
in 2010. But in its 2011 census, the government claimed
to have about 150 million, which really means that it

would rather hide the existence of some of the population rather than announce a
number that more decently matches the international figure.
the capital city, is being more developed than any other city in Bangladesh and
it’s attracting more people to come from smaller cities and rural areas, making
the city overpopulated.
has more opportunities and jobs and it also has English medium schools and
better doctors and hospitals.  It’s the
main city where international companies and organizations and big Bangladeshi
businesses and industries are all located.
all private universities in Bangladesh are also based in Dhaka, causing more
people to come and live there.
United States State Department map

is so crowded that it’s come to a point where there is barely any space for a
person to walk freely.

somewhere 10 minutes away takes at least an hour because of the amount of
traffic. There are also lots of power outages and it’s horrible because of the
extremely hot weather.
is becoming very unsafe for people. Everyday more and more people are being
killed and the government is doing very little to bring justice.
a recent incident, a three-year-old girl named Nuha was shot and killed by
robbers when she was traveling with her parents to Cox’s Bazar from Dhaka. A
gang stopped their car at night near Khutkhali in Cox’s Bazar, but when their
car started driving away, they fired from the back and a bullet struck Nuha’s
head, killing her.
the government fails to provide security in one of Bangladesh’s most famous and
expensive tourist spots, then what kind of security do ordinary Bangladeshis
of dealing with issues like these, the government is too busy encouraging
police brutality and finding ways to stop opposition political parties from
protesting their failures.
the main opposition party, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), and its
allies called for a peaceful 48-hour general strike or hartal across the country, the
police purposely stopped their protests, causing many clashes.
police brutally attacked BNP’s Chief Whip Zainul Abdin Farooque, who is also a member of parliament. They attacked him with batons, injuring him and
cracking his head. Many other opposition MPs were also attacked.
MPs are attacked this way by police, the security of ordinary Bangladeshis come
into question and it shows the lack of law and order implemented by the
police are government workers and they are the real examples of how brutal and
unfit the government is to run the country.
another recent incident, Supreme Court lawyer MU Ahmed was arrested and
suffered a heart attack in police custody after he was tortured and died 16
days later.  I can only imagine what sort
of torture a person has to face to have a heart attack.
this is how a Supreme Court lawyer is treated, then how are the lives of
ordinary Bangladeshis safe in the hands of the police?
with a cruel and immoral government like this, Bangladeshis have the strength
to never stop hoping for a better and more prosperous Bangladesh.
really hope one day that does become the reality for my country.

1 Comment

  • Being born and brought up in Canada, I appreciate your feeling for Banglashis living in their own country but ruled by 'cruel and immoral government'.