Festus Iyorah / youthjournalism.org
Voters line up at a polling place Saturday in Ibadan, part of Oyo state in Nigeria.
Festus Iyorah / youthjournalism.org
A woman in Ibadan casts a ballot in Saturday’s presidential election in Nigeria.
Festus Iyorah / youthjournalism.org
People wait in line to vote in Ibadan, Nigeria, on Saturday.
Festus Iyorah / youthjournalism.org
Independent National Electoral Commission officials stand by as voters cast their ballots in Ibadan, Nigeria on Saturday.
Festus Iyorah / youthjournalism.org
Voting in progress in Ibadan, Nigeria on Saturday.
Festus Iyorah / youthjournalism.org
A line of voters in Ibadan, Nigeria on Saturday, for the national election.
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