
Trump’s Islamophobia Won’t Solve Terror

By David
Joseph Kapito
Malawi – Donald Trump’s recent remarks about restricting Muslims in the United
States is a detrimental idea.

Trump’s remarks automatically undermined freedom of
religion, which is not only part of the United States Constitution but is also
found in the United Nations charter. The charter says everyone shall have the right
to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

That includes the freedom to have the beliefs you
Remarks by Trump, a leading Republican candidate for president in the U.S., pose a threat to the welfare of
Muslims, whether American Muslim or not. His remarks can led to stereotypes
against Muslims.
Philosophically, Trump’s remarks fall under a hasty
generalization fallacy. If one car can cause death to many people in an
accident it doesn’t necessarily follow that all cars are bad. If that were
true, then cars could have been banned already.
If some Muslims kill a lot of people through terrorism
it doesn’t necessarily follow that all Muslims are terrorist. Should we
conclude that no Muslims also die as victims of terror?
remarks reveal that he holds a perception that all Muslims are likely terrorism
suspects, but it is not correct believe that all Muslims who are about to
migrate to the U.S. are likely to be terrorists.
As a
Christian, I have once interacted with Muslim brothers and most of them have
been peaceful and always against act of terror.
As a
sovereign nation, the U.S. has the right to protect itself. It has the right to
set precautionary measures in order to protect all citizens. It has power to
control migrants.
The U.S. has
the power to identify a strategy to make those measures effective rather than rely
on Trump’s idea to question someone’s beliefs or religion as a potential threat. 


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