Maghull, Liverpool, UK – With around 800 million active users, video sharing app TikTok is the...
Author - Yunkyo Kim
This is an interactive map that shows you where YJI students have written stories over the years. You can zoom in or out of the world map to explore all of them in detail. [Note: If you’re seeing this on an author page, you will only see stories by a particular student.]
Have fun on TikTok, but be careful
Maghill, Liverpool, England, UK – I’ve been a user of TikTok for just under a year and in that...
White House bungles global pandemic
‘Midsommar,’ is a bright twist on horror
Lexington, Massachusetts, U.S.A. — Midsommar — or “midsummer” in Swedish — is the dream destination...
Dealing on stage with the ‘so real’ trauma of school...
BOSTON – Trigger Warning is an anomaly in Jacques Lamarre’s vivid repertoire of comedies (I Loved...
Powerful ‘Trigger Warning’ takes aim at school...
BOSTON – At the end of Zeitgeist Stage Company’s 18-year run, playwright Jacques Lamarre’s Trigger...
I applied to college. The college admissions scandal...
Lexington, Massachusetts, U.S.A. — I am a college freshman and a first-generation immigrant...