ISTANBUL – I opened up to my friend about the abuse my ex-boyfriend had put me through last year...
Category - No one is safe
A global project on sexual assault
UK’s sexual assault epidemic spurred me to act
Bridgend, South Wales, UK – As a young woman, I am horrified and hurt by the alarmingly high rate...
Survivor: sexual assault is ‘shaming’ and...
Russell Stagg devotes his days supporting sexual assault victims who are “hijacked by the past” –...
She overcame the horror of sexual assault
Aisha Thomas works as an organizational trainer and leadership consultant, working tirelessly to...
Expert: male relatives most likely to victimize young girls
Bogotá, Colombia – Girls between the ages of 10 and 13 are the group most affected by sexual...
Watch out – small aggressive acts forewarn violence
A man staring at the author on a bus in Istanbul. (Bilge Nur Güven/YJI) A man twice your age stares...
Media can help confront sexual violence, but also create problems
LONDON – The media, whether that be social, film, the news or art, is meant to reflect the society...
A place where victims get support
Bridgend, South Wales, UK – One in five women and 4% of men in England and Wales have experienced...